Whenever it comes to travelling, people first dream of going abroad. Everyone wants to travel abroad, but often due to budget, people are unable to fulfill this dream. In such a situation, either their dream remains unfulfilled or they search for a destination.

If you are also one of those people who want to travel abroad, but your budget is not allowing you to do so, then today in this article we will tell you about a foreign destination which is not only very beautiful but also very budget friendly. We are talking about Uzbekistan, which is very close to India and is also a great place for history lovers. Let us know what things are important to keep in mind while traveling here.

Why is Uzbekistan special?

For the past few days, Uzbekistan has become quite popular among travelers. People are coming here from far and wide to visit. This extremely beautiful country is known for its gardens and vineyards. Also, there are five UNESCO World Heritage Sites here, which people come here from far and wide to see. Apart from this, Uzbekistan is one of the leading cotton producers in the world and has ample reserves of minerals, oil and gas.

How to reach Uzbekistan?

After knowing the specialty of Uzbekistan, if you are planning to go there, then for this you can take a flight from Delhi or Mumbai to Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan. For a round trip from Delhi to here, you will have to pay 35 to 38 thousand. Whereas, from Mumbai you will have to pay up to 42 thousand for this. Also, it may take you 3 to 4 hours to reach here.

Visa for Uzbekistan?

To visit this beautiful country, you i.e. Indians will need an e-visa. To go here, you can apply for an e-visa and within 3 to 4 days you will get an e-visa for Uzbekistan.

Places worth visiting

During your trip to Uzbekistan, you can explore different places for four days. You can spend the first day in the capital Tashkent and during this time you can visit the following places-

  • Amir Timur Square
  • Independence Square
  • Chorsu Bazaar for shopping
  • Kukeldash Madrasah
  • For food, you can try traditional Uzbek dishes like plov, lagman or shashlik at local restaurants.

Second Day

After this, the next day you can go to Samarkand and explore many places here, whose names are as follows-

  • Desert Square
  • There are three madrasas here
  • Bibi-Khanum Mosque
  • Do try the local food here at night.

Third Day

In Uzbekistan, you can spend your third day in the city of Bukhara. The following places here are worth seeing-

  • Gur-e-Amir Tomb
  • A beautiful Shah-e-Zinda with amazing tombs.
  • After this, enjoy the special flavours at the hotels here in the afternoon.

Do this work on the last day

On your last day in Uzbekistan, after having breakfast, go to visit the Ark Fort. After this you can visit these places-

  • Bolo Hauz Mosque
  • Samanid Tomb
  • Layab-e Hauz