Due to the daily hustle and bustle and work pressure, people’s physical and mental health is getting affected a lot. In such a situation, taking some time out from the boring everyday life and going on a vacation will prove to be a great way, with the help of which you can make yourself refreshed and energetic. Whenever it comes to traveling, people first check their budget and many times the plan to travel remains unfulfilled due to lack of budget. Whenever it comes to traveling, people dream of going abroad.

In such a situation, Nepal will prove to be a great destination, where you can spend a great vacation in less money. Next week there is a long weekend due to 15th August and Rakshabandhan and in such a situation many people are planning to visit different places. If you also want to go somewhere this long weekend, then today we will tell you the complete itinerary and travel guide to complete the trip to Nepal in less money-

To go to Nepal, you can book a flight from Delhi. For this, you can book a return ticket from New Delhi to Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. To book the ticket, you will have to pay 11 thousand to 15 thousand per person. However, this price of flight booking can be more or less according to different airlines. Apart from this, you can also catch a bus to Nepal from Kolkata border.

Visa and passport

Being a neighbouring and friendly country of India, Indians visiting here do not need a visa. You can use Indian ID proof to go here. Talking about accommodation here, you can book a hotel here for Rs 2,000 to Rs 3,500. Along with this, you can also shop for other things here at very low prices.

How to travel in Nepal?

  • First Day

You can start your Nepal tour by visiting Pashupatinath Temple in Kathmandu in the morning. This temple dedicated to Lord Shiva is one of the most sacred Hindu temples in the world. In the evening, you can see the Swayambhunath Stupa, which is an ideal place to spend a peaceful evening. There are many pilgrimage sites, temples here and the stupa also has a monastery and library.

  • Second Day

On the second day of your trip, you can drive to Pokhara and see beautiful sights. This

It is a beautiful city nestled between the mountains, near which lies the Annapurna range of the Himalayas and is quite popular for trekking. In the afternoon you can visit the International Mountain Museum. In the evening, you can enjoy boating and sunset on the Phewa River.

  • Third and fourth day

On the third day, wake up early in the morning and travel in a cable car on the Sarangkot hill. In this 10-minute ride, you will be able to see the beautiful views of the Annapurna range. After this, you can visit Shanti Stupa or Vishwa Shanti Pagoda. In the evening, you can also do many activities like paragliding and bungee jumping. On the fourth day, you can visit Chitwan National Park of Nepal.